Tuesday, January 18, 2011

dear iphone 4

Dear iPhone 4,

[I guess this letter would also go out to any and all smart phones that have flooded the market in the past 5 years.] Thank you. From the very heart of who I am, I just really want to say thanks. Did I live before you? Yeah, sure. But as I look back at my life B.I.P. (before iphone) I really just don’t know how I made through each day. Could I survive in a world without you now?? (pause for effect) . . . . . . . . . . . . . I shudder at the thought. Would I breathe?? Yes, of course I would. I just wouldn’t want to without my iphone4.

Don’t get me wrong. I been on the cell phone bandwagon from the very start. I had the huge monsters that I drug around and made calls on, when I could find reception. I may even remember a call or two made from phone that I carried around in a giant over the shoulder bag (I think we carried around individual cell phone towers, now that I think about it). And as time went on and technology progressed, well, we know what happened. The phones continued to get smaller, cooler and began to do many other things besides make a phone call. Up until a year and half ago, I was pretty content with my small, cool phone that actually took pictures. I mean, what else do I need, right?? I had heard about these “smart” phones and wanted nothing to do with them. I imagined them to be an overly complicated device that had no place in the life of a normal guy, like me. Maybe the Wall Street type of guy could use them or some doctors or whatnot, but me . . . . I didn’t see the need. Besides, only techy, pretentious arrogant people use those things.

Then I held you. And all of a sudden the App world unfolded before me. Then I had to have you. How could I have not brought you into my life?? How can one glimpse into this unparallelled universe of possibilities and not want to be a part?? I had to get on board. And thank God I did. Life now has more purpose, more ease and flow. You name it, I do it . . . from my iphone. Surf the web? Check. Need directions? Weather info in Santa Monica? Got it. Angry birds? You know it. You Tube? All over it. Read Sports Illustrated and then the Bible?? Done. You do so much for me and then some. I swipe through hundreds of videos and pictures, make grocery lists, watch TV, program my DVR, all while I enjoy streaming music. God, I love you. Thank you again and again just for being you.


Sent from my iphone4

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