Saturday, December 11, 2010

dear booger

Dear Booger,

I can't see you, but I know you're in there. I can't hear you,
but your presence is very obvious. I know exactly where you are,
but my tools -thus far- are useless against you. I want you to hear
me, and hear me good; GET OUT OF MY LIFE! Do you think I
won't eventually get to you? Do you really believe that you are
invincible? Well here's some news for you, I've dealt with your
kind before. I know your game because I've played it many times,
and guess what, I've never lost. You WILL be caught, you WILL
be extracted, and you WILL be discarded just like every annoying
jerk that's come before you.
What is up with you anyway? What makes you act the way
you do? I'm not threatened by you. You're just an instigator; an
unloved antagonist who's probably up there laughing at me like
Woody Wood Pecker. Guess what, you're not as menacing as you
think. In fact, I'd rather be dealing with you right now as opposed
to doing business with one of your relatives (pimple & splinter); at
least they can cause infection. To me you're nothing more than an
insignificant wad of uselessness. That’s right, you're only a minor
set-back; a shameful embarrassment to your kind.
Listen to me; we both know how this is going to end. I don't
even care if you continue this feudal engagement. With every
failed attempt to apprehend you, my will to succeed only grows
stronger. I'm not going to rest until you are out of my life forever.
You're reign of silent turbulence is nearly at an end. Trust me, it
doesn’t matter how stubborn you are, I've got nothing but time and
tissues on my side.

Game on,


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