Monday, December 13, 2010

dear stop sign

Dear Stop Sign,

I’ll be moving away in a few days and I’m writing to say
farewell. I want you to know that in the five years that you and I
have cohabitated this small piece of property on the corner, you
haven’t gone unnoticed. For instance, I’ve noticed that you – just
like me – enjoy a good thunderstorm. I like to sit comfortably in
the garage with a cup of coffee and marvel as Mother Nature puts
on an amazing light show accompanied by strong winds,
directional rain, and powerful claps of thunder. You on the other
hand react very differently. The way you move back and forth with
the wind… you seem to be jamming out there like you’re at a rock
concert. If I didn’t know better, I would think you’re trying to get a
mosh-pit started in the side yard. I think that’s cool.
I also owe you an apology for the dents I’ve made in your
face. I suppose you can only mow over so many walnuts before
you get frustrated and start throwing them at whatever will loudly
punctuate your anger. You do have to admit that the one in the
center of your “O” was a pretty good shot from thirty yards back.
Lastly, I really want to thank you for all you do to keep our
neighborhood safe. I really hate to see those teenagers ignore you
the way they do. To them you’re merely a suggestion. They don’t
understand the things you have to go through to represent the law.
Perhaps if they had to stand out there in the weather, take walnuts
to the face, get wizzed-on by dogs, nicked by the weed-eater, and
ignored, they may too come to respect you the way I have.
I guess this is goodbye for now… I will try to come through
this way from time to time just to see how you’re holding up (plus
I have to go through here to visit my brother).

Keep on jammin,


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