Saturday, December 11, 2010

dear coffee mug

Dear Coffee Mug,

How can I repay you for all these years of loyal service? Every morning, before the sun (or anyone else in the house) gets up, you and I are stirring. Shortly after the alarm clock rudely wakes me from my sweet slumber, I stammer to the kitchen to find you gleaming at me from the counter top. All at once the miserable morning now seems manageable.

In this fast-pace society, littered with "energy drinks" and "herbal stimulants", it seems that nobody has time for coffee anymore. The younger guys at work will see me with you and snicker under their breath; they have no idea what coffee has done for this country and no respect for we who still rely on it. Another growing concern is that there are a lot of coffee drinkers out there who find it hard to stay committed to a mug like you. I really don't know how people do it….trusting their life-giving nectar to a meaningless, unproven cup made of cheap Styrofoam or paper…. PAPER??!!!…. are you kidding me???

All I know is that I need you… we are comrades; together we take on the world one morning at a time. I'm so glad I found you and I will always have a place for you in my heart (and in the middle console of my car).

Your Fellow Early Riser,


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