Friday, December 24, 2010

dear hubcap [part 3]

Dear Hubcap,
I guess it's pretty clear that you're never coming back. I've
been hanging on to hope for nearly two months now and for
what??? Why should I care anymore? You obviously don’t care
about us. I can understand if you're mad at me for scratching you
on the curb or for the whole "rubber mallet incident", but how could
you just leave the others like this? I cannot imagine how
embarrassing this is for them. YOU ARE DESPICABLE. Not only
that, but you have put me in a very unpleasant position.
Because of your reckless abandonment, I have to tell the
other three that - without you - they are no longer viable members
of our transportation team. I have to tell them that their years of
benevolent commitment have been wasted thanks to an
irresponsible forbearance by one of their own. At this point I wish
you could be found so that we can make it clear how despised you
are. I actually smile when I entertain the idea that maybe you were
picked-up by a bum and are currently employed as his ashtray or
urinal. Is that the life you were hoping for? Did you really have it
that bad here with us? You're NOTHING without us; you will never
amount to anything. Wherever you are, just stay there, you're not
welcome here anymore… I DON’T NEED YOU. If you ever do
show your worthless face around her again, I won't be reaching for
the rubber mallet, I'll be introducing you to the sledge hammer.



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