Tuesday, December 14, 2010

dear sand wedge

Dear Sand Wedge,

I started having feelings for you once I realized how much I needed you. I just wanted to write you and tell you that I still care. I love the way your shaft gleams in the sunlight. The way your face shines when I address my ball. The way your grip fits so perfectly in my hands. It feels so right when I swing you. I guess what I want to know is.... WHY??? Why do you hate me so much? I mean, after all I have done for you. For starters, if not for me, you'd still be a nameless face in a big barrel of clubs getting prostituted around the region in that seedy "golf expo". I didn't have to buy you. I didn't have to give you a second chance. I'll be honest; I'm starting to form opinions as to WHY you were in a big barrel way in the back of that expo. Listen "Sandy", you know how they say "first impressions" are everything? I think we're still recovering from that. Let me jog your memory…

I believe it was a bright sunny Sunday afternoon; our first time out that year. You were excited too, the way you kept bouncing off the face of my putter the whole way to the course; it was almost as if you were as nervous as I was. Through the duration of that round -as to be expected- my game fell apart. I think we ended-up shooting a 97 or something like that. Where were you? Just like the rest of my clubs, you never showed up. I was so disappointed. I really expected more out of you.

Sandy, I didn't want it to come to this, but if you don’t start cooperating, you're going to end-up in the shed with my 65 degree. Hear me out; I still care for you, I need you, I want us to get along more than anything. We've got a big match coming-up next week against Gary (from work) and you have to straighten-up. If you do not, I'll have no choice but to let you go (probably into the nearest water hazard). I still have faith that you are the one for me. Together we can get my golf game back on course.

I'll see ya the next time I'm about 35 yards out,


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