Saturday, December 18, 2010

dear hubcap [part 2]

Dear Hubcap,

I know that we've had our ups and downs over the years and
I admit I haven’t always been sensitive to your needs. All I am
asking for is one more chance. When I woke-up this morning and
saw that you were gone, my heart broke into a thousand pieces. I
instantly got in the car and began retracing the routes I had taken
yesterday. I've looked EVERYWHERE; the bank, the parking lot at
work, the gas station, the ditch and under every guardrail along the
way… nothing. I have no option but to think that you don’t want to
be found.
I suppose I should've seen this coming; all of the signs were
there but I ignored them. I will assume that the "final straw" was
last Monday when we had that flat tire. After it was fixed and bolted
back onto the car, I remember having some trouble getting you
back into place. I couldn’t figure-out why you were acting so difficult
and resistant. For the first time in our relationship I had to us a
rubber mallet to get you to cooperate. I'm such a fool… It probably
wasn’t even your fault; it was probably that rusty tire rim.
Please forgive me and come back home. The car just doesn’t
look the same without you. I know I can speak for the other three
hubcaps when I say; "you complete us".

Missing you badly,


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